Red Cherry blossoms, and the fruits of the spirit ripe for my picking

Photo credit Lisa Ralph, Cheney Wa. This cherry tree sits in its corner spot of our yard. Springtime looms over head. Its trunk massive as it holds such blooms that are already taking up fruit.  

Let me be so transparent that I gleem like the finest glass. No secrets gardens or ambiguous hide outs camouflaged no more

Let me be continually spit shined in your word taking seat amoung the pages reliving the stories of the greatest. May my daily voyage with you make me buff, that evil armies would shutter at my sight running away in fright

Let me be like a fawn as the sunrises drawing from your waters, for as the deer pants for the water so my soul longs for thee

Let me always suit up with the full armor of God. So shiny, and polished. Do not let me ever enter the battle field leaving my shield behind

Let me be spiritually, mentally, physically buff. So it is a David and Goliath scenario. Me so small in stature, able to make the biggest of giant plummet to their defeat. Crowds clamour for good prevails. God is king

Let the fruits of the spirit blossom from within me like that of the most beautiful of cherry tree in the springtime. Ripe and ready for the picking. Let them be easily plucked so juicy oozing the finest of atrributes from the red

Word Prompt: Buff

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