“Dude, where’s my car?”

“Dude, where’s my car?” 

This quote always makes me laugh, as this is me everytime I go into the much dreaded Wal-Mart. With the greatest of intentions to remember where I parked my car, I wonder aimlessly the parking lot looking for it. As it is blue, there are often quite a few blue cars too. 

In Olrando it was worse because Wal-Mart parking lots were just about as big as the theme parks (not really), but looking for your car in the humid heat of the day was not fun. So maybe I should start using my phone, and take a picture of a landmark I park by. That picture/quote is an exact interpretation of me, and what I say on a dreaded Wal-Mart day. 🚗❓

One Liner Wednesday

22 thoughts on ““Dude, where’s my car?”

      1. That’s hilarious because I do that too! It’s a family joke for me to blame Xena for everything because I don’t like cats either. I think they are catching on to me because we no longer have Xena. It’s amazing how she still manages to cause so much trouble here! ha


  1. Love this … although I LOVE Walmart … it’s just fun browsing around … good place to get in extra walking steps in bad weather !! But … yes … where IS the car. Funniest story … when my sisters and I were young … I was left in charge of us, I was probably 12 or 13. Mother and Daddy had gone to a college football game in town … they called … later than usual … I was worried … they couldn’t find the car … they had to wait til most of the folks went home before they found it !!! I like your idea of taking a picture of where you parked !! jan

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  2. I treasure our time together. I can’t help feeling motherly to you, if that is OK with you. I never had children, but if I did … you would be my pick. love, jan

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  3. I usually, 99% of the time park on same roll. I lost my car once at Walmart. My daughter drove up and said. ..mom, what are you doing? She helped me find it,lol. Scary thought.

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  4. Hahaha, this is me too. One time recently my oldest was like oh there’s our car! So I went to open it and the key didn’t work, then I realize it’s not our car. It was so horrible 😂
    I’m just glad the owner didn’t show up while this happened. My

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  5. Oh how I can relate. Especially when a trip to Walmart for 1 thing turns into a 2 hour shopping trip. I totally lose my bearings!! Great piece!!

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  6. Mary always tries to park in the same spot (near the cart corral) when she does the shopping. I don’t drive anymore, but I would leave my car at the airport when I was going out of town and on more than one occasion couldn’t find it. That’s when I started using the off-airport lots where they give you a ticket to tell you where your car is when the shuttle picks you up. A little more expensive than the airport itself, but worth every penny.

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