Infused in the scriptures, its ripple effect thee must inject for sober….

In order for me to stay sober God is in order. My spirit, and soul must be one with Him. A kinship of the highest authority. He takes priority. 

One might ask how I go about this. I marinate my heart in scripture, transfixed eyes upon each word written. 

Allow the Psalms to seep within, the book of Proverbs to permeate. Then it will all resognante daily for His glory to be seen in my sobriety. 

Stew in the book of Genesis, steep in the New Testement. As Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John they got it going on.  

Brew over Job, as his trials make mine seem oh so trivial. His life stripped, and ripped apart. Groveling to his knees. He still gave God all of his heart, now He was smart!

Immerse myself in the apostle Paul, for his life was without stall. It was all God even in imprisonment. Asking the tough question would I be jailed for the teachings of my Lord for all to hear? Makes one think. Spears the heart towards being all Jesus called me to be. 

Soak in the living waters, and let the Holy Spirit abound. Introduce, Deuteronomy, Numbers, and Leviticus, for none were written without reason. 

Tis’ the season to infuse myself in Revelation for we live perilis times. Already written. 

God gave me this all in that of the Bible. A living manuscript for me to adhere to, for without its real life application my sobriety might as well go on the wayside. 

For in his word is where I charge daily, so nothing can get in the way of my new found clarity. Rarity? Nope not even, just another believer of the miracles God can do when we infuse Him into our lives. He is my all, and redeemer of my soul! This is all in order to remain sober…

Word Prompt:Infuse 

12 thoughts on “Infused in the scriptures, its ripple effect thee must inject for sober….

  1. I love ❤️ this! He truly is the only one that changes hearts and lives! You are a testimony of how He changed you from a child of the world 🌎 to a child of His!

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